30 November 2005

Oh! Excuse me

Cold weather means blankets over some of the more delicate plants... I had a sheet on the railing that I decided I would use but discovered that I had waited too long to move it this evening.

It already had tenants.

Lizards. Not moving lizards are cold lizards.

So that occupied area got folded over, tucking them in and the rest of the sheet got used. Hopefully it won't get down to freezing tonight.

Liam wandered up and he is now in the cat condo on top of Vain's crate. It's good practice for next week when he's got to be contained after his surgery.

He's been in the house a few times tucked under my arm during the dog cycling in the evening and last night he got to sit on my lap while I was at the computer [dog crates are right behind me] so it's not totally foreign.

Still, he locked the front legs around the door of the crate in a death grip but once I got him in the crate [a nice new wire crate with towel] he became quiet, looking around to see what's around his crate, kicking back. More interested in washing up. Cat hygiene.

Acts like it's a normal thing to be in a small wire crate on top of a huge crate, indeed, in a room of huge crates full of his friends.

The village idiot, Pris, can see him from her crate and is dancing around trying to get him to play. Goofball.

The temperature is about 45 degrees at the airport - my thermometer says it's about 52. We rarely get as cold as the airport because of the trees, but it will get fairly nippy.

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