23 November 2005

Fall is the season for a vacation

Nice, crisp air this morning. Leaves are falling. New shoes.

Alas, no vacation this year - next year I plan to go back to Chicago in March if things work out.

So a big vacation, length-wise is probably not in the cards next year either. However... There is a conference that is scheduled every other year, last year it was in Melbourne, Australia and I gave myself the trip for my birthday. Next year it will be in the city of Skopje in Macedonia at the Modern Art Museum. Looking at the flight cost - I just might do it.

Ticket prices to Oz weren't too outlandish for a flight route that long, around $1,300. Rates are about $300 higher with the gas prices I guess... I would like to go visit a friend in Brisbane next year if things work out. Depends on what I do about the house. . . [everything depends on what I do about the house.]

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